Blog Facts
Name: A quote from John Ruskin. I never quote him in posts as I figure naming a blog after a quote is quite enough of anyone.
Photos: All photos link to their source. If there is no link, they are mine. And if they are mine, you are welcome to use them, though I’d love it if you linked back.
Comments: If you post a comment I will read it. And that’s the extent of the comment policy.
Guest Posts: If you have thoughts to share please send them my way! Just know that I am not interested in “a symbolic gesture of PayPal compensation” in return for allowing links to your website or products. If your post isn’t good enough for me to post it for free, then it would take a whole lot more than a “symbolic” gesture to get me to post it. So let’s just stick with good content.
Follow: @nowealthbutlife
Wise words: “Aspire not to have more, but to be more.” Archbishop Oscar Romero
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