Blogging Advice

Blog when you are excited.

Blog when you are sad.

Blog when you are thrilled.

Blog when you are beyond mad.

Blog whenever you are emotional and passionate and fiercely determined to make the world understand your experience and sympathize with your view.

And then save your draft. Get some sleep. Wait to actually publish it another day.

This may not almost certainly will not stop others from hating you, but it will at least make you less vulnerable when you see whatever people decide to say in response to your honest, passionate truth.

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10 thoughts on “Blogging Advice

  1. Rebecca @ TRH

    I was never a journal keeper, but the draft option has turned me into one. For whatever reason, I can’t write it in a book or a word document, but if I compose it like a bog post, all the words come.

    My problem right now? There are so many drafts on one topic that I’m realizing I may need to actually hit publish on one to get me over the writer’s block I’m feeling when it comes to actually published posts. I’m just not sure I’m ready for that.

    1. Rae Post author

      I posted this precisely because I wasn’t up for giving a final edit to any of my drafts! Sometimes significant just won’t do.

      And I am so with you on not journaling, but blogging. I can’t keep them unpublished forever and feel that they are real, but I do sometimes resort to more private blogs. Though I have been told that I am odd.

  2. Elisa

    I’m an OCD proof reader…I can spend hours proof reading. For me, sometimes it’s just best I read it once and hit publish, before dinner burns on the stove. ;)

  3. Mama Kalila

    Very good advice…. not just to keep people from getting upset either. I’ve published and then realized later that it didn’t come out the way that I meant for it too.

  4. Elisa

    Thanks for your sweet comment on my “thank you” post. I still haven’t made it to adoration. I did make it to a daily Mass this past week, which I’m thankful for.

    Regarding the oddness of my blog…it was blogger. They had a huge issue last week and were still working on getting people their blog posts back. They reposted my “postpartum” post…so strange.but I hope it’s all fixed now.

  5. Craig

    Rae, first of all – I was only able to read just that little poem at the top – just that little poem – the rest I had to read with my eyes closed – very difficult. The things I’ll go through just to read your words :-)

    I have one, maybe two drafts saved. I give pretty much all of my heart to each post – and have one post on each site to do Rae – so there’s not really much more writing left in me by the time I’m done. Something tells me I’ve got to work about 10 times as hard to write what you can write, the way that you write it.

    I will read whatever you write, whenever you write it, and I doubt that you will ever have to worry about a negative comment – not once. God bless you Rae.

    PS the next time though, maybe find a robe for that poor girl – she’s probably chily.:-)

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