What Does Stress Taste Like?

  • Sour, and salty. but extreme on both. mostly rancid. digressus
  • Like the fading aftertaste of dreams wrapped in glitter and bittersweet onions. michaeljwking
  • Cheap, heady red wine with raw tannins and an overt, sickening blush of fruitiness. prestonyancey
  • A bitter penny. But, I think it tastes like sadness too, whatever that tastes like! catholiclady

And this, my friends, is why I love Twitter. If you tweet and I’m not following you, do let me know!

If you are not on Twitter, is it because you do not like to think about things such as the taste of stress?

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7 thoughts on “What Does Stress Taste Like?

  1. Trena

    I’m not on twitter because I don’t really get what the difference is between Twitter and facebook. Status updates are the same thing, right?

    Stress to me, taste like a glass of wine.

    1. Rae Post author

      Pretty much. For me Twitter is about following/conversing with people whom I would not otherwise encounter.

      A nice of wine, or one like Preston’s?

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