C’est La Randomo

Tests Show Most Store Honey Isn’t Honey

Ultra-filtering Removes Pollen, Hides Honey Origins

It turns out that Josh was right and it is worth paying more for real honey–you know, the stuff with the odd bee-stuff on top?

Added bonus: now I get to make fun of people who won’t purchase toys made in China but will buy “honey” of “unknown” origin.

Some have been reviving the “single women vs. mothers” conflicts. I try not to smile. Clearly all women fit into those categories, and those of us who appear not to are really just pre-mothers?

Candles are the best.

I am slowly re-convincing myself that blogging is easy, and I can do it without thinking. Hopefully I will be able to do the same with email again.

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4 thoughts on “C’est La Randomo

  1. ddoyle1220

    I may never be on twitter, but every now and then I get the chance to check blogs, and all I can say is Shrine Candles! (yes, its scary that I’m 90% positive I know the look of those candles and where they are from)

    1. Rae Post author

      You should have more confidence in yourself and up your number to, say… 99% positive because you are entirely right. :-) And now that I think about it, I haven’t ever seen candles quite like that elsewhere. Maybe we should make a blog-catalog of major North American churches based on their candles.

      And I am incredibly flattered that you bothered to check my blog.

  2. Patricia Perkowski


    I ran into this debate on CafeMom and was suprised to see how many of the women who commented said that they would only consider a woman a mother if: 1. she was pregnant, 2. already had a child/ren!

    What ever happened to the spiritual mother, that woman who prays for you, tries to be there for you as a mother when you cannot go to your own: Godmothers, Confirmation Sponsors come to mind?

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