Roller Coasters: Thrill Rides Without Thrills
If you had asked me a month ago how I felt about roller coasters I would have said that I was not a fan, but did not really know since it had been over ten years since I had been on one. I was pretty sure that I did not like them, but it was possible that they were fine and I just did not know.
Then some friends had extra tickets to Six Flags and insisted that Josh and I join them, despite my protestations that I would be a waste of a ticket.
So I tried The Mind Eraser™ and this is what I learned: roller coasters simply do not work for me. The experience was entirely unpleasant. Since I would have been scared I used my two typical coping mechanisms: logic and prayer. At first I reminded myself that it was highly unlikely that I would be hurt since injuries and fatalities are very bad for business. Then I spent the rest of the ride silently repeating the words which I use to offer God my suffering during any unpleasant experience.
The experience had nothing in common with fun. There was no surge of adrenaline or post-ride high. Afterward I concluded that I had probably ruined the fun with my coping mechanisms.
I never had an I’mgoingtodiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie feeling, so I did not get the rush of lovely hormones and it all seemed miserable and pointless. Why would anyone wait in line for hours for this? I can understand uber-Catholic areas having people in line on their knees waiting for roller coaster rides while praying the rosary, but I do not think that people typically go to amusement parks to do penance.
Do you like roller coasters? Am I just not masochistic enough to enjoy thrill rides, or did I just ruin the fun for myself?

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- I am thankful 7/18/2010
I LOVE roller coasters! I love six flags
Although I try to go during non-peak seasons so there’s no line waiting. Last time my sister and I went was the first week of school for kids so we honestly did not have to wait in line. We’d get on a ride, there’d be no one else waiting so they would let us just stay in our seats and go again, it was awesome! I’ll never go during summer peak again.
But I do enjoy the coasters themselves. I used to be scared of them when I was younger, but I must have just grown out of it.
Good idea about the off-season. Josh says that is what his family does. I imagine that makes the whole day a lot more fun (especially if it is not as hot).
I love a good roller coaster, but some of them just make me sick. I can definitely see how they’re not for everyone, but I still look forward to them!
Well, I knew that *someone* must enjoy them considering the lines.
I’ll be happy to leave them to you.
I like some of them… others I won’t go near. The penance thing made me laugh though
Glad to make you laugh.
How funny – we went to Six Flags last weekend. I think roller coasters are fun, but they terrify me at the same time and I end up screaming bloody murder. I can’t help it, really. The screams just come out of my mouth. And after some of the rides, the adrenaline is pumping so fast that I get shaky. Did you know that screaming bloody murder is bad for your vocal cords?
I’ve been hoarse all week. Not the best situation when a lot of my job requires being on the phone; I had SO many people ask if I was sick or feeling alright. And you know that yelling (or trying to) at the TV while hoarse just prolongs the hoarse-ness, right? You’d think I’d learn…
Maybe I just needed to try screaming! I hope that your voice is better.
Since I would have been scared I used my two typical coping mechanisms: logic and prayer.
Ha! I love this. I like roller coasters. Moderate ones. Really jerky, wooden ones that remind me that my body is getting old faster than my mind? Well, those just don’t have anything in common with fun, as you said.
Thanks for commenting on my blog! I can’t believe you even got on the roller coaster. I went to an amusement park four years ago and along with buying food that costs more than it should, I got so sick. I didn’t throw up or anything but I don’t know what I was thinking because I suffer from motion sickness. When I got home I slept for a really long time because I felt like crap. Needless to say, I haven’t been back to one since.
I love watching my students go on roller coasters and get those “AHHH!” scare-faces. I DO NOT like them. I’m such a grown-up! Scary!
Hey Rae, thanks for your sweet comment on my blog =)
I do NOT like roller coasters. I USED to be quite the thrill seeker and risk taker…then at some point, I went on a ship ride at a park that swings back and forth really high up and makes your stomach turn. I went with my mom and I was 17 and she go so scared it scared me too! After that, I decided I didn’t like roller coasters. Now that I’ve had children, I can’t even swing very much on the kids swing without feeling woozy. Strange.
I used to adore roller coasters. Now, it depends on the coaster – I’ve felt very lightheaded getting off of some, and took that as a sign that maybe I shouldn’t ride them as much!