I am thankful 11/21/2010

For tangerines. At $1.49 for 3lbs! And all of you locavores may come back with your sign-up materials once I move to Florida or Southern California.  I will be happy to sign up then. For now, yum!

For Italian peppers. I don’t like them at all, but Josh thinks that they are amazing. And I am all about easy amazing!

For socks. Especially ones that come from the store (and in pairs). Can you imagine what a pain it would be to have to make all of your own socks? Plus, I don’t actually like the crazy-thick knitted type.

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4 thoughts on “I am thankful 11/21/2010

  1. Christine

    I would love to be a locavor, but I live in the Canadian prairies. I think that’s enough said.

    I think I would have ridiculously cold feet if I had to make my own socks. Or, I’d have to learn how to knit! (I tried once in Girl Guides and I failed. Badly.)

  2. alison

    funny you mention knitting socks. while i’m happy i’ve learned how, i must admit that given my turtle pace at knitting them, i’m grateful for being able to buy them too! even if mine are way cooler :)

  3. Kelly @ Startup Wife

    Wow, that’s a GREAT price on citrus! Mmm. Slightly more expensive here but I’ve been eating them too. :)

    I never responded to your twitter–but I just heard maybe the single best sermon of my life, and it was about men and women and equality/roles/etc but, ultimately, about the heart of the gospel. I’m still kind of reeling/excited. Anyway, when the sermon goes up online I’ll send it to you–I think you might really like it.

    Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

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