I am thankful 12/12/2010

For my heating pad. I know I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I really do love the thing.

For my job. I often imagine that I will be fired because I love my job so much that it has got to not work out, right? Bigger bonus than expected? Must mean that they’re planning on firing me and feel badly for planning it during the holidays! But even with my psychosis it is still so wonderful to worry about being fired rather than daydreaming about it.

For squash. And butter. I am thankful for the squash because of the chance to make the most delicious vegan sort-of-almost healthful bread, and butter because Josh was delirious with joy after spreading it on his bread.

For the lack of children in my life. Because it means that I don’t have to stress about things like butter and PBDE. And seriously, I have no idea how I’d deal with all of these things. So I will just smile at the cute kids everywhere and thank God that I am not responsible for poisoning them with things like butter and sippy cups. Check back in 10 years to follow the blog of a homeschool mom who spends her mornings milking goats in order to feed her children half-decent food!

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4 thoughts on “I am thankful 12/12/2010

  1. Katie

    Cracking up over here! I can’t stop laughing at your thankfulness for the lack of children in your life! Oh my, Rae. As a teacher with 40 students, I just found that over the top! Love it!

    1. Rae Post author

      So glad you found it amusing! :-) I tend to talk about how I want children every day, so I also try to make myself think of ways in which my life is better right now. And then I like to make fun of myself for both views, so I really do appreciate the fact that someone else thinks it is funny too.

  2. Pingback: I am thankful 1/6/13 | There Is No Wealth But Life

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