I am thankful 2/10/2013
For friends who choose hope, even–or perhaps especially–when it is painful.
For sister humor. I found out this evening that my sisters have something of a family meme going on. Think Kim Jong Un looking at things… and replace it with Rae’s Mom texting everywhere. It totally explains why she thinks that her children are not especially responsive to texts. We can’t keep up with her texts… so we look at pictures of her texting instead?
For daily mass. I’ve only had to miss it once since being back at work. I’m not totally sure why, but it just makes me happy.
For not having to think about marriage. I get that I don’t get marriage, and that that is a shame. But what is not a shame is that I get to not have to get marriage. Sometimes living is much better than understanding.
- Grief Unobserved
- Thoughts on Some Costs of Pursuing Healthcare
I am so thankful for the ones around me that choose hope as well…they are so inspiring and a great reminder when I start to drift into a dark place. And daily mass…a (more frequent) goal of mine. Its not until I start going again that I seem to recall, wow, this feels good!