The End of the Year
Right now is New Year’s Eve. It is the first time in a million years that I am not sick. I can’t verbalize coherent sentences due to hormones, and the cramps are annoying, but I am not sick.
::Cue Angelic Chorus::
I really don’t remember much of 2012. That fact alone serves as motivation to blog. So, here’s a little of what I do remember about the year:
Glasses. At the start of 2012 I only wore glasses when driving at night on long road trips. I tried contacts but that was a complete failure. Now that the end of the year is here I rarely leave the apartment without glasses. I cannot see the priest’s face at church without them. Which I guess could be a good thing, but still…
Races. One of my automated achievement alternative to resolutions for 2012 was to run a marathon. That did not happen thanks to multiple injuries (what can I say, I was trying really, really hard!) but I did complete two half-marathons, one metric marathon (HA!) and 20 miles of walking + a 10k to earn a finisher’s medal at my second attempt at a marathon. It was the most fun I have had in years. And totally worth the fact that I was only this week (two months post marathon!) able to run without pain in my ankle.
Health. So very, very strange. Among other interesting things, I really think that my goiter has shrunk, though I’d have to have another ultrasound to confirm, and I’m too busy watching others’ ultrasounds these days. In any case, for the first time in more than 10 years I am not abnormally cold. So that is cool, er, I mean an appropriate response to the actual temperature!
Work. I have been on leave since August, and I am so very ready to get back to work. Of course I am terrified that I won’t be able to handle it, but that is yet more proof of how much I need it. Also, Josh’s job is absolutely fabulous.
Apartment. We’re not moving!! At the start of the year we were still desperately apartment hunting. We signed a lease mid-January, and have just renewed it. Which means we may indeed stay in one place for two years. How incredible would that be? I have been utterly spoiled with this place.
Friends. I am still a completely wretched friend. Much of the time I cannot muster coherent thoughts when I really care. So I continue to have very few friends who somehow have patience with me. Thank God.
Reality. I am constantly reminded to not take myself seriously. For real. I have no idea about the future, and absolutely cannot count on myself to have an appropriate emotional response to anything significant… or even many insignificant things, if you must know. So I continue to ignore emotions, while at the same time trying to value them appropriately. Yes, Yoda, there is a try.
And that is really all that is blogable that I can remember. Here’s to 2013. May I forget all of its trials as easily as 2012s!

- Revisited: The Case for New Year’s Resolutions
- 2013 Goals Turned Resolutions
The transition from “I rarely need glasses” to “I really need glasses” is incredibly annoying. I’ve gotten used to it, but I still hate being dependent on them.
K went the other way. She wore “coke bottle” glasses growing up, but eventually had LASIK.
Glad you are not sick. You look great in your pic.
To a happy and healthy 2013!
Great picture, great news about the apartment, your races, and your health. May all our goiters be shrinking in 2013.
I’m so glad you are not sick. I love the pic and congrats on the races!!!
Happy New Year!
I’ve had to wear glasses since the 2nd grade, so that transition is out of my experience.
I like your recap, and you’re just fine as a friend, Miss Rae.
Beautiful picture!
I’m very impressed with your races in 2012! Have a great 2013!
Hurrah for not being sick!
Congrats on running your races! I think that’s a huge accomplishment!
I hope 2013 is a good year for you!
I’ve had multi-nodular goiters for over ten years, and have had to have it drained at least twice (maybe three times but I can’t remember). I hate it when it fills up (takes years), feels like there is something in my throat when I swallow and my grandma spotted it from across the room which means it’s noticeable to others. But thankfully, thyroid function has always been fine. But I am always cold!
Nice to hear how things are on your end, and hope you have a blessed and forgettable 2013!
Oh my goodness, I am so sorry! I can’t even imagine. I hope that you will find something to help it, though I know how impossibly impossible that probably seems.