Happy Day

Yesterday I had the happy realization that I did not know where to find my heating pad. It was my almost-constant companion for months. But now I have not used it for 3 weeks! I did not realize this until I wanted it yesterday. Normally it would be by the bed, or computer chair, or kitchen table, or anywhere I am.

I ended up finding it in its rightful storage space: the closet. This is the first time it has stayed in the closet for long enough for me to forget exactly where it is! I am so very thankful.

This sort of thing makes it very easy for me to not weigh myself on Sundays during Lent. It is certainly allowed1 but it just does not fit. Enjoying sweets or taking a break from early rising or some such thing seems fitting for celebrating Sunday. But stopping to focus on numbers on a scale? I don’t think so. For me it is far more valuable to use Sundays as a chance to give thanks for walking 3 miles without pain, and “losing” my heating pad.

1. Sundays are not penitential since they are the day we celebrate the Resurrection. So Lent is really a Monday-Saturday thing for 6ish weeks.

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5 thoughts on “Happy Day

  1. Elizabeth


    Thank you for telling me about the link that didn’t work. I would never have realized that! So, if you’re still interested in Potato Soup, come on back and click on it!

    Happy to hear you are doing better! Hope that it continues.


  2. Mamie Farish

    Hi Rae, thanks for posting on my blog! I’m in the process of writing three articles, so I’m just doing a quick-read of info from your blog. Three things stood out for me that may be of interest to you, too: hormonal problems? endometriosis? heating pads? Please check out Dr. Hilger’s new women’s health science, “NaProTechnology. Especially look at http://www.naprotechnology.com/infertility.htm and see the section: Effectiveness for Infertility Treatment, a comparison between NaProTechnology and current medical approaches. Also… it was the heating pad that gave the idea to comment.. aka NaPro Inspector Holmes (Mamie Farish, Los Alamos, NM). Have a good day!

  3. Rae Post author

    Hi Mamie,

    Thanks for taking the time to comment! I actually love what I know of of the Pope Paul VI Institute. I will definitely pursue “near-contact” laparoscopy with them if I can’t get things to clear up some other way. Anyway, thanks again for your concern!


  4. Krista

    Glad you found my blog and find the the 101 in 1001 inspiring! I’m trying to stick with it and really commit to following through. Glad to hear that you “lost” your heating pad!

  5. Pingback: I am thankful 9/12/2010

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